Miki: Hello I'm Miki and...?
米基:大家好,我是米基 。
Geaw: My name is Geaw from Thailand.
高:我是高,来自泰国 。
Miki: Oh, right.
米基:好 。
Geaw: And you're from?
Miki: Nigeria.
米基:尼日利亚 。
Geaw: Yep. Well the question is about should college education be free? What do you think?
高:好 。我们要讨论的话题是,大学应该实行义务教育吗?你怎么看?
Miki: I think college education should be free, as free as possible for everybody.
米基:我认为大学应该实行义务教育,尽可能对所有学生免费 。
Geaw: Why?
Miki: Because if it's free you have more people going to college and getting this education so as such if you empower the youth you empower the nation.
米基:因为如果大学教育免费,那就会有更多的人进入大学,获得大学教育,可以说,少年强则国家强 。
Geaw: I see. Well I personally think that it should be free but with condition.
高:我明白了 。我个人认为大学教育应该免费,但是要有前提条件 。
Miki: What kind of condition?
Geaw: If it is free and you can either get in or get out whenever you want then I think maybe some people would just love the motivation into, because when you go to college and you have to pay for it and you are willing to pay to go to college, it gives you your part into society, right?
Miki: Yes.
米基:对 。
Geaw: But if you can get in for free then people that don't really want to study can also get in so I think it's a bit unfair for us who really want so I mean but in some condition that we will make the student want to study.
高:但是如果你可以免费上大学,而那些不想学习的人也可以进入大学学习,那我认为这对我们这些非常想上大学的人有些不公平,我的看法是,我们要设定前提条件,让学生想学习 。
Miki: Yeah, want to study and pursue. I think we'll have to make it a deferred view for both parties right?
米基:对,想学习而且也努力去学习 。我认为我们要想出使双方都接受的看法,对吧?
Geaw: Yes.
高:对 。
1. get in 进入;
例句:He posed as a newsman to get in.
他假充记者混了进去 。
2. get out 离开;退出;
例句:Most institutional investors did get out.
大部分学院式的投资者确实已经退出 。
3. be willing to do sth. 乐意的;愿意的;
例句:They are always willing to lend an ear and offer what advice they can.
他们总是愿意认真倾听并尽量提出建议 。
4. for free 义务地;无偿地;免费地;
例句:But I heard the film club of our school would show a film for free.
我听说我们学校的电影俱乐部会免费放映电影 。