Todd: Phil, you said you're a teacher. Did you study education in college?
托德:菲尔,你说过你是名老师 。那你大学学的是教育吗?
Phil: No, actually, I studied engineering in college.
菲尔:不是,实际上我大学学的是工程学 。
Todd: Really. Engineer!
Phil: Yeah, I was an automotive when I was younger.
菲尔:对,我年轻时从事的是汽车业 。
Todd: Automotive, like cars?
Phil: Yeah, yeah, yeah.
菲尔:对,对,没错 。
Todd: Oh, cool. Wow.
托德:哦,真酷 。哇 。
Phil: It was really interesting a job really exciting but I kind of came into teaching to try something different and to maybe gain confindence in myself as well.
菲尔:那份工作非常有意思,而且也很令人兴奋,我当老师是为了尝试些不同的东西,也为了增加自己的自信 。
Todd: So if you're an engineer then you must like gadgets, right?
Phil: Oh, yeah, I love gadgets. I got many in my room.
菲尔:哦,对,我很喜欢电子产品 。我房间里有很多电子产品 。
Todd: So what kind of gadgets to you have?
Phil: Well, my favorite has to be my laptop computer of course. I think everyone should have a laptop now because it's complete entertainment. I can watch movies. I can download music from the internet. I can write reports on my students. I can research new games on the internet. I can do anything in the world on my laptop. It's just amazing what you can do.
菲尔:我最喜欢的当然是笔记本电脑了 。我认为每个人都应该有一个笔记本电脑,因为它是非常完善的娱乐设备 。我可以用笔记本看电影,从网上下载音乐,写有关学生的报告,研究新的网络游戏 。我可以用笔记本电脑做各种事 。这真的很不可思议 。
Todd: So you talk about downloading things. Like you must have an MP3 player or ipod.
托德:你刚提到了下载 。那你一定得有MP3播放器或是苹果播放器 。
Phil: I've got an ipod as well, yeah. I love my ipod. Everyday I listen to music. Music is one of my main passions in life and I particularly like rock music and Ska punk as well, so I download bands from all over the world on the internet that maybe ten years ago nobody would have been able to find information about, so I think things like ipod have opened up the world of music to everyone.
菲尔:我有苹果播放器 。我喜欢苹果播放器 。我每天都会用它来听歌 。音乐是我生活中的最爱之一,我特别喜欢摇滚乐和斯卡朋克,所以我会在网上下载世界各地乐队的歌曲,十年前可能没有人能找到这些信息,所以我认为苹果播放器这样的电子产品真的为所有人打开了音乐的大门 。
Todd: Right. Right. No, I agree. Actually, I have an MP3 player and an ipod and I use them all the time.
托德:对,没错 。我同意你的说法 。实际上,我也有MP3播放器和苹果播放器,我一直都在用 。
Phil: Yeah, it's amazing.
菲尔:嗯,太棒了 。
Todd: So, you're really into your laptop. You're really into your ipod. Any other gadgets that you really like?
托德:你非常喜欢笔记本电脑,也很喜欢苹果播放器 。那你还有其他喜欢的电子产品吗?
Phil: I suppose I have to say my digital camera. When I was younger, I was absolutely useless at taking photographs — well I still am absolutely useless at taking photographs. I always manage to miss the main part of the picture or the thing I'm aiming for. Once I get the lighting composition completely wrong. So with a digital camera, I can choose the photos I want and I can keep retaking them until I know I got the one I actually want, and then on my computer, back to my laptop again, I can edit the photos until they look exactly like I want them to, so digital camera is amazing for me.
菲尔:我会说我的数码相机 。我年轻的时候对拍照这件事一窍不通,我拍照的水平不行 。我总是会错过图片的主要部分或是我要拍摄的物体 。有一次我的灯光和构图全出现了错误 。用数码相机拍照的话,就可以选择你想要的图片,我可以一直拍摄,直到我得到我想要的那张照片,然后再用我的笔记本电脑编辑照片,达到我想要的那种效果,所以对我来说数码相机太神奇了 。
Todd: Yeah, I agree, like I use cameras a lot for the website and I couldn't make it without them.
托德:对,我同意,为了这个网站我经常会用到相机,没有数码相机我根本就做不到 。
Phil: Yeah, it's amazing how in the last ten years things have changed so much, like we said with the ipod earlier, I used to have a cassette player when I was younger.
菲尔:对,太不可思议了,近十年来发生了很多变化,比如我们之前谈到的苹果播放器,我小的时候用的还是盒式录音机 。
Todd: Right.
托德:对 。
Phil : It was huge, and it was like taking a brick with me everywhere I went, and not the ipod just fits in my pocket and I don't even know it's there. It's amazing the difference.
菲尔:盒式录音机非常大,以前我去各个地方都会带着它,就好像拿着一块砖头一样,而苹果播放器就可以放进口袋里携带,有时我甚至都找不到 。区别太明显了 。
Todd: Yeah, I listen to the podcasts on the way to work and it makes my train commute so much more enjoyable.
托德:对,我上班的路上会听播客,这使我在坐火车上下班时感到更愉快 。
Phil: Yeah, yeah, I get the news from the BBC, the British website, so I can listen to the news in the morning and find out what's happened back in my home city. It's like keeping in touch with the rest of the world.
菲尔:对,对,我听英国BBC网站的新闻,我早上会听新闻,了解我家乡城市的情况 。这就好像和世界其他地方保持联系一样 。
Todd : Right, right. OK, thanks a lot Phil.
托德:对,没错 。好,非常谢谢你,菲尔 。
Phil: OK, thank you.
菲尔:好,谢谢你 。
1. as well 也;还;
例句:I'm coming to London and my sister's coming as well.
我要来伦敦,我妹妹也会来 。
2. all over 到处;遍及;
例句:The ink spilt all over the desk.
墨水洒了一桌子 。
3. open up (使)(地方、经济、兴趣领域等)开放;
例句:The money could open up music to more children.
这笔款项能让更多的孩子受到音乐的熏陶 。
4. find out (尤指特意通过努力)发现,找出,查明;
例句:Attendance has dropped off, we shall find out why.
观众减少了,我们应找出原因来 。
5. keep in touch with 与……保持联系;
例句:We now keep in touch with him by writing letters.
我们现在靠写信与他保持联系 。