Todd: So, Barbara, we're talking about your time in the hospital. You were in the hospital for sometime. First of all, how long were you actually in the hospital?
托德:芭芭拉,我们来谈谈你在医院的生活 。你住了一段时间的院 。你住了多长时间的院?
Barbara: Well, I was in two hospitals actually. At first, I was in a big hospital for three and a half weeks and I was on a drip for all of that time, and they didn't let me eat anything, and the first couple of days, they also didn't let me drink anything.
芭芭拉:嗯,其实我是在两家医院接受的治疗 。一开始,我在一家大医院入院治疗了三周半,那段时间我一直在打点滴,他们不让我吃东西,前几天的时候医生甚至都不让我喝水 。
Todd: Whoa!
Barbara: Yeah.
芭芭拉:对 。
Todd: So you were on a drip… I'm sorry, how long?
Barbara: Three and a half weeks.
芭芭拉:三周半 。
Todd: Whoa! No solid food for three and a half weeks.
托德:哇!三周半没有吃固体食物 。
Barbara: No food for three and a half weeks.
芭芭拉:三周半没有吃东西 。
Todd: Man!
Barbara: Yeah, I was dreaming about my mother's cooking, and I was dreaming about roast chicken and roast lamb and man, the smells and the tastes came back to me, but there was no food.
芭芭拉:对,当时我梦到过我妈妈做的饭,还有烤鸡和烤羊,我都能想起这些美食的味道,可是我不能吃东西 。
Todd: But after like, say two weeks or something, does your body just get used to not having food?
Barbara: Yeah. Yes, it does. Definitely. And I lost a lot of weight, but actually I felt fine. Friends who came to visit me in the hospital were surprised and they were like, "Wow! Where's the rest of you?"
芭芭拉:对,没错 。就是这样 。那段时间我瘦了很多,不过我感觉还好 。来探望我的朋友走进病房看到我以后都特别惊讶,他们的反应是:哇!你怎么瘦了这么多?
Todd: You did lose a lot of weight. Actually, how much weight did you lose?
托德:你的确瘦了很多 。你体重减了多少?
Barbara: I lost, well, I started losing weight because I was changing my diet just before I got ill. In the last eighteen months, I've lost twenty kilos.
芭芭拉:我生病以前已经开始改变饮食习惯,所以那时我就开始减轻体重 。过去18个月以来,我瘦了20公斤 。
Todd: Whoa! That's a lot.
托德:天哪!你真的瘦了很多 。
Barbara: That is, indeed, yeah.
芭芭拉:没错,是的 。
Todd: Twenty kilos… Wow! Well, you look great. You must feel great.
托德:20公斤……哇!你看起来很不错 。你一定感觉很棒 。
Barbara: I feel much better. Actually I think sick with that was probably a good thing. It made me take stock and reevaluate things and get healthy.
芭芭拉:我感觉好多了 。实际上,我觉得这么看来,这场病可能对我来说是件好事 。因为它让我全面审视自己,重新考虑现状,变得更健康 。
1. come back to sb. 回忆起;回想起来;
例句:He was also an MP — I'll think of his name in a moment when it comes back to me.
他当时也是一位国会议员,他的名字我得想一下才能记起来 。
2. get used to 开始习惯于;
例句:I get used to looking after myself.
我已经习惯于照顾自己了 。
3. lose weight 体重减轻;变瘦;
例句:She has been taking exercises to lose weight from day to day.
她每天锻炼来减肥 。
4. take stock 作出整体估量;全面分析;
例句:I was forty, the age when people take stock and change their lives.
我已年届不惑,到了该全面审视自己并改变生活的年龄了 。