Steve: Hi, this is Steve. I'm going to talk about Japanese Onsen. Onsen is like a public bath, where men go, or women, in separate areas of course, and enjoy very hot baths. I like it very much because it's very relaxing and it's very healthy. They have different kinds of baths with different sort of flavors, you might say. Some baths have minerals like sulfur, or radium, or even camphor in them and they have different health benefits. After bathing in an onsen, for an hour or two you take a shower, shave, and wash your body and then afterwards, you feel really, really good. I like to go for sushi after onsen.
史蒂夫:嗨,我是史蒂夫 。我要谈谈日本温泉 。温泉就像公共浴室,男性会去的地方,女性也会去,当然男女是分开的,人们会在温泉享受热水浴 。我非常喜欢温泉,因为那令人放松,而且也有利于健康 。日本温泉有许多不同的种类,也可以说有不同的特色 。一些温泉含有硫磺、镭或是樟脑这类矿物质,这些都对人们的身体有益,但益处各不相同 。泡完温泉一两个小时以后去沐浴,刮胡子,冲洗身体,之后,你会感觉非常非常好 。我喜欢在泡完温泉后去吃寿司 。
1. sort of
eg. There are so many different sorts of mushrooms available these days.
现在可以买到许许多多不同种类的蘑菇 。
A dozen trees of various sorts were planted.
一共种了12 棵不同种类的树 。
2. have/take a shower
eg. I think I'll have a shower before dinner.
我想晚餐前洗个淋浴 。
eg. She took two showers a day.
她每天洗两次淋浴 。