Todd: Hello! What's your name please?
Anna: My names's Anna.
安娜:我叫安娜 。
Todd: Anna. OK, Anna and where are you from?
托德:安娜 。好的,安娜你来自哪里?
Anna: I'm from a suburb of Chicago, Illinois.
安娜:我来自伊利诺伊州芝加哥的郊区 。
Todd: Oh, Chicago. Wow, what's Chicago like?
托德:哦,芝加哥 。哇,芝加哥怎么样?
Anna: It's very windy and flat, but there's a lot to do there. We have a lot of sports teams, things to do in the summer, lots of festivals, so...
安娜:多风,地势平坦,不过那里可以做许多事情 。我们有许多运动队,夏天可以做很多事情,还有很多节日,所以……
Todd: Uh-huh, like what kind of festivals?
Anna: We have a taste of Chicago festival, every summer, every year, and it's down in Grant Park, and all the food vendors, all the major restaurants in Chicago set up a food booth and you can buy, taste all kinds of food around the world.
安娜:每年夏天我们都会举办芝加哥美食节,地点就在格兰特公园,那儿有各种食品摊贩,芝加哥所有大饭店都会设立食物摊位,你可以购买、品尝全世界各种各校的食物 。
Todd: Wow, that sounds pretty good. Ah, what kind of food do you like? What's your favorite kind of food?
托德:哇,那听起来真好 。嗯,你喜欢哪种食物?你最喜欢的食物是什么?
Anna: My favorite kind of food is Mexican food.
安娜:我最喜欢墨西哥菜 。
Todd: Oh, yeah! And what dish in particular do you like?
Anna: Let me think. I like all Mexican food but I really like, like a stuffed pavlano pepper's very good.
安娜:让我想想 。我喜欢所有的墨西哥菜,不过我非常非常喜欢填青椒 。
Todd: Oh, really! Stuffed Pavlano pepper!
Anna: You stuff it with cheese or they can put meat inside of it. It's good.
安娜:把奶酪或者是也可以是肉类放进青椒里 。非常好吃 。
Todd: Can you make it?
Anna: No! I can not make it. I can make tacos, but that's about it.
安娜:不会!我做不了 。我可以做墨西哥卷饼,仅此而已 。
1. a taste of
eg. But having had a taste of the big time, he won't want to go back to playing in the reserves.
eg. This voyage was his first taste of freedom.
这次航行使他初次体验到了自由的滋味 。
2. set up
eg. The two sides agreed to set up a commission to investigate claims...
双方同意组建一个委员会来调查那些索赔要求 。
eg. Tell us when and why you started your business and how you went about setting it up.
告诉我们你是何时出于何种原因开办了自己的企业,又是如何着手创建的 。
3. in particular
eg. His statement refers to people in general, not to anyone in particular.
他的发言是泛指一般情况,不是针对某一个人的 。
eg. In particular I admire Gary Lineker.
我特别崇拜加里·莱因克尔 。