Erina: So Mike, do you have any bad habits?
Mike: Of course not. I'm perfect, I've no habits that are bad. Yes, I do have some bad habits. One of my bad habits is fidgeting and I think I'm a very high energy person so, especially when I'm on the phone, mixed with my slightly obsessive compulsive tendencies, I tend to arrange all the things on a desk so if there are pens and books and different things on the desk, I would be turning them and arranging them in order and pretty much always using my hands and keeping them busy and although this might not be such a bad habit, perhaps for people who are with me or next to me they might be a little bit uncomfortable because it seems like, you know, I'm a bit nervous or, you know, have something on my mind so...
迈克:当然没有 。我非常完美,我没有坏习惯 。好吧,其实我有一些坏习惯 。其中一个坏习惯是小动作太多,我认为我是一个精力充沛的人,尤其是打电话的时候我会有轻微的强迫症,我要把桌子上的东西整理得井井有条,如果桌子上有铅笔、书或其他东西,我会把它们整齐摆好,而且我一直在使用双手,我的手闲不下来,不过这可能并不是坏习惯,也许我旁边的人会感觉有些不舒服,因为看上去像我很紧张或是我一直在想事情……
Erina: Not in confidence for your speech, yeah.
惠里奈:对你说的话感到不自信 。
Mike: Right, in fact that's not the case but what happens is I start playing with things.
迈克:对,可是实际情况并不是那样,可是我就是会摆弄东西 。
Erina: I've seen you do that before.
惠里奈:我以前看到你那样过 。
Mike: Oh have you?
Erina: Yeah.
惠里奈:对 。
Mike: Well then I guess that really shows it is one of my bad habits. You know, I think that I do that to focus because, you know, while I'm speaking to somebody or while I'm on the phone, I arrange things on the desk and that is kind of metaphorically me arranging my thoughts in my head which is probably where this habit has come from.
迈克:嗯,我想这可以说明这的确是我的一个坏习惯 。其实我这么做是为了集中注意力,因为我在和别人说话或是打电话时,我也会整理桌上的东西,我想这可能表明我的头脑正在整理思绪,可能这个习惯就是这么来的 。
Erina: I see. Yeah, do you have any other bad habits other than fidgeting?
惠里奈:我明白了 。除了小动作以外你还有其他坏习惯吗?
Mike: Well maybe a bad habit is driving quickly and I'm not sure if that's considered a bad habit but I guess when I get behind the wheel of a car I sometimes get impatient and that impatience drives me to put more weight on the gas pedal and in turn I go faster and of course speeding is not a good thing especially when you get pulled over by the police. So that's a bad habit that I might have to work on.
迈克:另外一个坏习惯是开车太快,我不确定这会不会被看作是坏习惯,不过我在开车时有时会变得不耐烦,这种不耐烦就会让我去猛踩油门,所以我越开越快,不过在你被警察截停的时候,速度就不是什么好事了 。我想这是我要改掉的一个坏习惯 。
Erina: Yeah, definitely. You don't want to lose your licence.
惠里奈:没错 。你也不想被吊销驾照 。
Mike: No.
迈克:对 。
1. on the phone 在通话;
例句:She has been on the phone all morning.
她整个上午都在打电话 。
2. in order 整齐;井然有序;
例句:Everything in the house is in order.
这座房子里一切都井然有序 。
3. on one's mind 担心;惦记;挂念;
例句:The spectre of unemployment was always on his mind.
他心头一直萦绕著可能失业的恐惧感 。
4. other than (用于否定陈述后)除了…以外;
例句:I can't think of two people more suited to each other than you and David.
没有人比你和大卫俩人更般配的佳偶了 。
5. in turn 继而;转而;反过来;
例句:This, in turn, has generated current account surpluses.
这继而导致了经常账户盈余 。
6. pull over (通常因司机危险驾驶,警察)令(驾车者或车辆)停靠路边;
例句:The patrolman signaled for the speeding driver to pull over.
巡警发出信号警告那名超速驾驶的司机靠边停下 。