Matt: If I were traveling to Scotland would it be very expensive for me to spend time in Glasgow?
Rachel: I'd say there some of the hotels that are quite expensive, but you can usually find a nice bed-and-breakfast which would cost you maybe thirty pounds, English pounds. Scottish pounds even.
蕾切尔:我认为格拉斯哥有一些酒店非常贵,不过你也可以用大约30英镑的价钱找到提供住宿加早餐的旅馆,30苏格兰镑左右 。
Matt: Right, right, right.
马特:好,好,好的 。
Rachel: A night, and that would have breakfast included.
蕾切尔:价格包括一晚的住宿费和早餐费用 。
Matt: Yeah, that sounds good. And what about like transportation?
马特:好,听起来不错 。那交通怎么样?
Rachel: Glasgow's one of the few cities out of London that has an underground and it only has one line, so it's called the clockwork orange cause it just goes around in a big circle. But it's quite cheap to use. And the good thing about Glasgow actually is it's walkable. You can walk around the city quite easily without having to take transportation.
蕾切尔:格拉斯哥是除伦敦外拥有地铁的几座城市之一,而且格拉斯哥地铁只有一条线路,因其环形线路被称为“发条橙” 。不过格拉斯哥的地铁车票很便宜 。格拉斯哥是一个很适合步行游览的城市 。不乘坐任何交通工具,也可以很方便地在格拉斯哥步行游览 。
Matt: Yeah, that's good.
马特:这很好 。
And the buses in Glasgow are orange.
蕾切尔:我觉得多少有些参考的成分 。那条地铁线路的颜色是橙色的 。格拉斯哥公交车的颜色也是橙色 。
Matt: Okay, it's a theme.
马特:好,这是一种主题 。
Rachel: Yes. I don't know why. Different cities in Britain have different colored buses, like Edinburgh's buses are maroon and London's buses are red.
蕾切尔:对,不过我不知道为什么 。英国各城市公交车的颜色都不同,比如爱丁堡公交车的颜色是褐红色,伦敦公交车的颜色是红色 。
Matt: Yeah, everyone chooses a color.
马特:嗯,每座城市都选择一个颜色 。
Rachel: Yeah.
蕾切尔:对 。
Matt: Does it match the flag or the region or local area?
Rachel: No, I don't know why Glasgow's orange and Edinburgh's maroon but that's the way it is.
蕾切尔:我不知道格拉斯哥为什么是橙色,爱丁堡为什么是褐红色,不过情况就是这样 。