Todd: Devon, I hear that you took the train across Russia.
戴文,我听说你乘坐火车跨越了俄罗斯 。
Devon: Yes, I started in Moscow, travelled through Russia, Mongolia, and ended up in China.
是的,我从莫斯科出发,穿越了俄罗斯,蒙古,最后到达了中国 。
Todd: Wow! That's a long way!
Devon: Yes, it was. It took three weeks. I did it as part of a tour with ten other people.
是的 。这次旅行耗时三周 。我是和其他十人一起旅行的 。
Todd: Man, that's a cool trip. That must of cost a lot of money.
太酷了 。这次旅行一定花了不少钱 。
Devon: It did cost a lot of money but not a lot of people can say they have done that, and so, I looked in, I researched the trip several months before I actually took it. A friend and I did it together and there was one other American and the rest of the people were from Switzerland.
确实花了不少钱,但没有多少人这样沿途旅行,在出发的几个月前我就研究了旅行计划 。我和我的一个朋友一起做旅行计划,后来另外一名美国人加入,其他加入的人都来自瑞士 。
Todd: OK. Cool! What was the landscape like?
Devon: A lot of it was flat and for miles around you could see absolutely nothing, and as you got into Siberia there was scattered trees, and when we got into Mongolia you could see some Camels every once in awhile, but besides that there was a whole lot of nothing.
路上大部分的风景都是一望无际的平原,进入西伯利亚平原就能看到稀疏的树木,进入蒙古你经常能看到成群的骆驼,但除了这些,什么都没有 。
Todd: Wow! Just wild camels!
Devon: Wild Camels around the drinking hole. Yes, saw that more than once.
是的,我在路上不止一次看到,野生骆驼围着水源 。
Todd: So how did you eat on this train?
Devon: We stopped several times along the way and upon every platform you could buy food that local people were selling. A lot of it consisted of dried fish and other types of Russian delicacy and a lot of noodles that you heated up with hot water. Every train had hot water on it on every carraige so you were always able to make noodles if you were desperate.
路上火车停过几回,每停一站我们都下车购买当地人售卖的食物 。我们买了许多即食干鱼,面条和其他的俄罗斯美食,你可以用热水加热食品 。每辆火车的每节车厢都有热水,如果你饿极了可以热面条吃 。
Todd: So was this a luxurious train or was it a pretty basic...?
Devon: It was pretty much the most basic you could get. There were no animals on board but sometimes they were coal-heated so it was very basic.
我乘坐的是最普通的列车 。虽然列车上并没有装载动物,但烧煤的火车是最普通的列车 。
Todd: Wow! Would you do it agian?
Devon: Great question! Would I do it again? Yes, I would do it again but I would wait several years to do it. One because it does cost a lot of money and two because there are many other things to do and see.
问得好!我还会这样旅行吗?是的,我还会跨越俄罗斯,但要等到几年后 。一方面是因为旅行会花不少钱,另一方面是还有许多其他的事可以做,可以去见识 。
Todd: OK. Thanks a lot Devon.
好的 。谢谢你,戴文 。
Devon: You are very welcome!
注:译文属可可英语原创,未经允许,请勿转载 。