According to Goodmenproject.com, Six "wealth factors" can make a person more likely to become wealthy, according to a researcher who studied more than 600 millionaires in America."
据“Goodmenproject.com”报道,一位研究过600多位美国百万富翁的研究员表示,六大“财富因素”使人更容易致富 。”
She wrote that all of the millionaires she interviewed had these characteristics, "frugality, confidence, responsibility, planning, focus, and social indifference."
她写道,她采访过的所有百万富翁都有这些特质:“节俭、自信、负责任、有计划、专注和不重视社交 。”
She says if someone strives to have these characteristics they will succeed.
她说如果有人力求拥有这些特质,他们就会成功 。
1.indifference n. 漠不关心;冷淡;不感兴趣;无动于衷
例句:He displayed a sublime indifference to the distinction between right and wrong.
他对是非之间的差别根本就无动于衷 。
2.strive v. 努力奋斗,力求;斗争,力争
例句:You should always strive to achieve more, however well you have done before.
无论之前取得何等辉煌的成就,都应该不断努力进取 。