James Howells is a British IT worker and an early investor in Bitcoin.
詹姆士·豪威尔斯是一名英国的IT工作者和早期的比特币投资人 。
He also has every right to be the most furious man on Earth.
他完全有理由成为世上最愤怒的人 。
Howells amassed around 7,500 bitcoin early on, which today is worth over 80 million dollars.
豪威尔斯早期积累了大约7500枚比特币,它们如今的价值超过了8000万美元 。
the hard drive containing the key to his digital wallet sat in a drawer for three years before passing into its final resting place: the trash.
存储数字加密货币的硬盘在抽屉里放了三年,就差给它扔垃圾桶了 。
Howells now seems fully invested in digging up a huge plot of five-year-old dirt and garbage.
如今,豪威尔斯似乎全身心投入地投入到挖掘一个有着五年历史的巨大的垃圾堆之中 。
It is unclear if Howells even knows specifically which trash hole his millions are located in, however.
然而,豪威尔斯是否真的知道哪个垃圾坑里埋着他那几千万美元的硬盘就不得而知了 。
译文属可可英语原创,未经允许,不得转载 。
1.amass v. 积累
例句:How had he amassed his fortune?
2.dig up 挖掘
例句:When you're weeding, you must dig up the roots.
斩草必须除根 。