每日新闻一分钟: 思科公司季度收入连续第二个季度增长
日期:2018-05-22 19:27
Computer system company Cisco reported a 4.4 percent rise in quarterly revenue on Wednesday.
周三,电脑系统公司思科报告称季度收入增长了4.4% 。
This is the companies second straight quarterly rise that's been driven by strong growth in its newer businesses such as security.
这是该公司连续第二个季度增长,那是由其安全等新业务的强劲增长驱动的 。
The company's net income rose to $2.69 billion and earnings were 66 cents per share.
该公司的净收入增长至26.9亿美元,每股的收益为66美分 。
译文属可可英语原创,未经允许,不得转载 。
1.revenue n. (公司、组织的)收入,收益;(政府的)财政收入,税收
例句:The revenue from tourism is the biggest single item in the country's invisible earnings.
旅游业收入是该国无形收益当中最大的一项 。
2.net a. 净的;净得的
例句:We will be a net exporter of motor cars in just a few years 'time.
我们将在仅仅几年时间里成为汽车净出口国 。