Tennis superstar and new parent Serena Williams shared a smart piece of parenting advice this week using an air-travel reference,
"He told me a baby is like a plane," and "When you're in the plane, the people tell you to put on your mask first before helping the person beside you."
“他告诉我说婴儿就像飞机,当你在飞机上的时候,机组人员会告诉你,在帮你身边的人之前自己要先戴上氧气面罩 。”
Huffpost reports that Williams gave the speech at a JPMorgan Chase event, where she said she is still working on learning that.
“Huffpost”报道称威廉姆斯在摩根大通活动上发表了演说,活动上她说自己依然在努力学习之中 。
译文属可可英语原创,未经允许,不得转载 。
1.reference n. 参考;提及;谈到
例句:There are several reference books which have been compiled to help you make your choice.
有几本参考书专门帮你作出选择 。
2.put on 穿;戴;涂;抹
例句:Maximo put on a pair of glasses.
马克西莫戴上了一副眼镜 。