Unprecedented heat has pushed global average temperatures into alien territory, and scientists have long established humanity as the dominant cause.
高温天气史无前例,一直以来,科学家将人类看作是始作俑者 。
Now, even the grapes are talking.
如今,就连葡萄都按耐不住了 。
Wine grapes are very sensitive to their climate, and two scientists affiliated with NASA, Columbia's Earth sciences center, and Harvard have assembled records of grape harvests for the past 400 years to show trends produced by changes in temperature and precipitation.
酿酒葡萄对天气变化极为敏感,两名科学家汇整了过去400年间葡萄收成记录,随着气温和降雨量变化,葡萄收成出现变化,两名科学家隶属于美航天局,哥伦比亚大学地球科研中心,以及哈弗大学 。
The upshot of their research shows that climate change is demanding that grapes be harvested earlier.
研究结果表明,气候变化致葡萄提前收获 。
And the wine tastes better, too. Cheers!
译文属可可英语创,未经允许,不得转载 。
1.sensitive to 对…敏感
例句:If you are sensitive to caffeine, avoid it in the afternoon and evening.
如果你对咖啡因敏感的话,在中午和晚上就避免饮用 。
2.climate change 气候变化
例句:What should we do about climate change?
3.average temperature 平均温度
例句:What is the average temperature in her hometown?
4.affiliate with 隶属于,并入
例句:The Government will not allow the staff association to affiliate with outside unions.
政府不会允许其公务员协会与外部工会有紧密联系 。