According to Business Insider, there are signs to be on the look-out for that show whether or not your company cares about you.
据“Business Insider”报道,有需要你特别注意的迹象,那就是表明公司是否关心自己 。
It seems that most people feel that they're under appreciated at work, and feeling that way can make you unmotivated.
似乎是大多数人都觉得自己在工作中没有被足够重视,这样想的话可能会让你斗志全无 。
Take note of the fact if your job values your opinion, or provides you with support, guidance, or feedback.
注意你的工作是否重视你的看法,或给你提供支持、指导或反馈这一事实 。
The absence of these things may signify it's time to look for work somewhere else.
缺少这些东西可能就意味着该另寻高就了 。
译文属可可英语原创,未经允许,不得转载 。
1.be on the look-out for 特别注意 贴别堤防
例句:There are many ways to create passive income and the key is to be on the look-out for passive income producing opportunities.
有很多可以创造被动收入的方式,而其中的关键就在于你要把握这其中的机遇 。
2.signify v. 表示;说明;预示
例句:The symbol displayed outside a restaurant signifies there's excellent cuisine inside.
餐馆外的招牌表明里面有美味佳肴可以享用 。