There are several meals that are cheaper to prepare at home than to buy made.
有些食物在家制作要比买的更便宜 。
Yogurt is a perfect example.
酸奶就是个典例 。
Accord lifehacker.com, "All you need to make your own yogurt is a half gallon of milk and half a cup of yogurt with active cultures, which you can easily obtain for less that $3."
据“lifehacker.com”报道,只需要有半加仑牛奶和半杯含有活性培养菌的酸奶你就能自己制作酸奶,这些原料只要不到3美元就能买到 。
Hummus is also cheaper to make.
制作鹰嘴豆泥的成本也很低 。
Tahini isn't cheap, but it's cheaper by at least 3 dollars.
芝麻酱虽不便宜,但相比之下至少要便宜3美元 。
Making it at home also allows people to create their own flavors and textures.
在家制作鹰嘴豆泥也让人们创造自己的味道和口感 。
Other cheap at-home foods are almond milk, ricotta, and bread.
其它在家制作的便宜食物有杏仁奶、里科塔奶酪和面包 。
译文属可可英语原创,未经允许,不得转载 。
1.flavor n. 味道
例句:Vegetables such as peppers can overpower the flavor of the stock.
像甜椒这样的蔬菜会抢了原汤的味道 。
2.texture n. 口感
例句:Traditional cheesemaking skills give our brie its soft, supple, creamy texture.
用传统干酪制作技术制成的布里干酪柔软,不易裂开,而且口感细滑 。