Things might not be looking good for Ivanka Trump's label stateside with major retailers like Nordstrom and Neiman Marcus dropping her products, but in China companies are still "working to capitalize on the First Daughter's fame with Ivanka Trump products patented in that country."
伊万卡·特朗普的品牌在美国国内形势不太乐观,因为诸如诺德斯特姆(Nordstrom)和内曼·马库斯(Neiman Marcus)这样的主要零售商都已经抵制了她的产品,不过在中国,“很多公司都在以伊万卡·特朗普注册商标获得产品专利,打算好好利用第一女儿的名声 。”
In China, the "all press is good press" saying seems to ring true as Chinese businesses "race to trademark Ivanka Trump's name." At least 65 applications have been submitted in China to trademark the name "Ivanka" for Chinese products ranging from weight loss supplements to sanitary napkins.
在中国,“所有的媒体报道都有好处”的谚语听上去似乎真实可靠,因为中国企业都“争抢着去注册伊万卡·特朗普的商标” 。中国至少已经提交了65份为中国产品注册“伊万卡”商标的申请,这些产品包括减肥用品、卫生棉等等 。
译文属可可英语原创,未经允许,不得转载 。
1.capitalize on 利用,使用
例句:Plato was the first really to capitalize on, which is people always want what is good.
柏拉图是第一个真正利用了这一点的人,就是人们总是想要好的东西 。
2.race to 跑到,急起直追
例句:Today, we are in aglobal race to develop and deploy cleanenergy technologies.
今天,在发展和配置清洁能源科技方面,我们已经处于全球竞赛之中 。
3.range from 从...到,范围从
例句:These range from the way they mate to the way they defend—or fail to defend—their territory.
这些行为的差异从它们的交配到防守——或是失守——自己的领地 。