T-Mobile and Sprint announced a plan to merge the mobile carriers.
T-Mobile和斯普林特宣布了一个合并这两个移动运营商的计划 。
The combined entity will maintain the T-Mobile brand with a combined subscriber base of 70 million.
合并后的实体将保持T-Mobile品牌,并且拥有7000万的用户基础 。
If the merger is approved by regulators, the number of major mobile carriers in the US will shrink from 4 to 3.
如果该合并获得了监管者批准,美国主要的移动运营商数将从4个缩小至3个 。
But that would also place T-Mobile in third, behind Verizon with 111 million subscribers, and AT&T with 78 million subscribers.
但该合并也将T-Mobile排在第三的位置上,位于拥有1.11亿用户数的威瑞森和拥有7800万用户的AT&T之后 。
This latest merger bid is the third in four years, but they last attempted a merger 5 months ago.
这个最新的合并请求是四年之内的第三次,而他们上一次的尝试是在5个月前 。
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1.entity n. 实体
例句:North and South will remain separate entities within a commonwealth until the year 2000.
南方和北方将作为一个政治联合体下的两个独立实体继续存在,直至2000年 。
2.shrink v. (使)缩水,收缩,缩小,皱缩
例句:Hungary may have to lower its hopes of shrinking its state sector.
匈牙利可能不得不降低其缩小国家军事管制区的期望 。