每日新闻一分钟: 迪士尼股价下跌
日期:2017-09-28 10:10
Disney is not doing so well lately.
迪士尼近期表现不佳 。
Their stock has fallen 4.4 percent in just one day earlier in September after CEO Bob Iger made the company's 2017 profit outlook look bad.
今年9月初,迪士尼股票价格仅一天内下跌4.4%,在CEO 罗伯特艾格掌管下的迪士尼2017年业绩前景不佳 。
According to data analytics firm S3 Partners, short interest, aka wagers that share prices will drop, is now at $2.7 billion.
据数据分析公司S3 Partners称,迪士尼的做空股现已高达27亿美元,后期将会下跌 。
Their recent news of ending their streaming agreement with Netflix in 2019 and creating their own streaming portal does not have investors convinced.
近期关于迪士尼将于2019年终止与Netflix的流媒体协议并创造属于自己的流媒体系统门户网站的消息也并未能带给众投资者信心 。
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1.convince V.说服;确信
例句:It requires a lot of talking to convince him.
要说服他很费口舌 。