每日新闻一分钟: Whole Foods超市解雇大批市场销售员工
日期:2018-03-29 23:06
Whole Foods has laid off massive amounts of its marketing staff.
“Whole Foods”超市解雇了一大批的市场销售员工 。
To collect their severance pay, the terminated marketing employees must continue work until July 2.
为了拿到他们的解雇费,被解雇的市场销售员必须工作到7月2号 。
The lay-offs were announced in a 7-minute conference call.
此次裁员是在7分钟的电话会议里宣布的 。
The store graphic artist position has been removed from all locations.
所有超市的平面设计师职位都被撤销 。
Affected marketing staffers have the opportunity to apply to new marketing or store roles.
受影响的市场销售职工拥有申请新的市场销售或超市职位的机会 。
译文属可可英语原创,未经允许,不得转载 。
1.severance pay 解雇费;遣散费
例句:We were offered 13 weeks 'severance pay.
我们拿到了13个星期的薪水作为遣散费 。
2.terminate v. 结束;使终结;解雇
例句:His contract terminates at the end of the season.
他的合同在本赛季末终止 。