Subject:You will kill me with kindness.
A: You will kill me with kindness.
B: OK. Then serve yourself.
kill sb with kindness
1. 解词释义
Kill sb with kindness是一种夸张的说法,其表达的意思是“热情得让某人受不了”。比如:你去购物,本来就想买件衬衣,可热情的服务员却连连称赞你独具品味,并且想你推荐他们认为和此衬衫最完美的搭配。遇到此情景,你能拒绝吗?那就买下来吧。结果回家一个劲地后悔。哎,都是被服务员那“冬天的一把火”烧的。你会从心底想:They killed me with kindness. 同样,当去别人家做客而主人非常热情时,你可以有礼貌地说:“You are killing me with kindness.”来表达你既感激又有些不好意思的心情。其英文解释为:to be enormously kind to someone。
2. 拓展例句
e.g. Rob's killing me with kindness - he phones me all the time to see if I'm alright when really I just need to be left alone.
3. 视野拓展
Kill sb with kindness还有一个意思是“溺爱某人反而害了他”。
e.g. If you help your child with his work too much, you may be killing them with kindness.
如果你帮助你的孩子做作业帮得太多, 那你可能由于过分溺爱反而害了他。
e.g. She gives that child everything he asks for. She will kill him with kindness if she's not careful.