日期:2016-05-05 22:22


背景音乐:Greyson Chance - Summertrain

例句1:My dad will go mental(= be very angry)when he finds out.
短语:Go mental
英文释义:If someone goes mental, they become very angry indeed.
短语解析:如果说某个人go mental,就是说他们非常地生气。那其中的mental是“精神病患者”的意思,作为形容词意思则有:adj.思想的;心理的;精神的;脑力的。Go mental也就是非常生气、发疯。
知识拓展:Mental block表示思路〔思想〕中断。I get a mental block every time I try to do sums in my head.我一用心算做加法,脑子就木了。

例句2:If you wanna borrow money from me, you bark up the wrong tree.
短语:bark up the wrong tree
英文释义:If you are barking up the wrong tree, it means that you have completely misunderstood something or are totally wrong.
短语解析:源于17世纪美国殖民地时期。当时的美洲人烟稀少,开发西部的拓荒者靠打猎为生。狩猎需要猎狗,不过,再聪明的猎狗有时也会被猎物耍弄。结果,猎狗对着错误的目标狂吠不已(to bark up the wrong tree)。
举一反三:If she expects me to get her a job, she is barking up the wrong tree. 如果她想要我替她找一份工作,那她算是看错了人。

例句3:Don't listen to my brother when he gets angry; he's all bark and no bite.
短语:all bark and no bite
英文释义:When someone talks tough but really isn't, they are all bark and no bite.Some people are not strong enough or brave enough to actually hurt you, but they still use words to try to make you afraid. All they can do is bark, but they have no teeth to bite.
短语解析:Bark刚刚已经了解到是狗吠的意思,bite就是咬。all bark and no bite就是只顾着叫,但是他们不会来咬你。用来比喻那种虚张声势的人。
举一反三:That new manager threatened to fire me again, but I know he won't do it. He's all bark and no bite.新经理威胁说要炒掉我,但我知道他不会的,他只是虚张声势而已。


