例句1:She went as white as a ghost when she heard the news.
短语:white as a ghost
释义:When someone is very shocked at something that they see or that has happened, they may appear white as a ghost.
解析:当一个人被他所看到的东西或者发生的事情所吓到,他们的脸会白得像鬼,也就是white as a ghost。这个表达和中文有些相通。
拓展知识:同时这里的ghost还可以替换为sheet,像纸一样白。His face was as white as a sheet. 他的脸犹如纸一样苍白。
例句2:I haven't a ghost of a chance of getting the job.
短语:ghost of a chance
释义:If something or someone hasn't got a ghost of a chance, they have no hope whatsoever of succeeding.
解析:如果我们说某事物或者某人没有a ghost of a chance,实际上就是说他们没有希望成功。
举一反三:本来没有机会可以说have no chance,加上ghost意味就更加浓了。再比如:They don't stand a ghost of a chance of winning. 胜利对于他们来说毫无机会了。
例句3:The car seems to have given up the ghost.
短语:ghost of a chance
释义:People give up the ghost when they die. Machines stop working when they give up the ghost.
举一反三:My bicycle ran into a car and gave up the ghost. 我的自行车撞到了一辆汽车上,不能骑了。
背景音乐:david gates - Goodbye Girl