一、边听边学 Listen and Learn nitwit 笨蛋 half-baked 愚蠢的 a piece of cake 轻而易举的事 one for the books 非比寻常 a cinch 轻而易举的事 talk through one’s hat 夸大其词 take with a grain of salt 对某人的话存疑 have egg on one’s face 出丑 二、边听边说 Listen and Speak A: He’s a nitwit. What half-baked idea does he have now? 他真是傻瓜,到底在想什么蠢事? B: He’s sure he can become a millionaire by buying 100 lottery tickets. He thinks it’ll be a piece of cake. 他以为买了一百张奖券就可以成为亿万富翁。他想得太简单了。 A: That’s one for the books. It’s no cinch making money. 那是空口说白话,赚钱哪有那么容易? B: He talks through his hat. You have to take everthing he says with a grain of salt. 他在说大话,你听他说话得打些折扣。 A: Just watch. He’ll have egg on his face. 等着瞧,他会出丑的。
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