Scientists from Tufts University have developed a technique for stabilizing blood samples using silkworm cocoons.
通过桑蚕茧,塔夫茨大学科学家研发血样保存技术 。
The method can stabilize blood samples for weeks with no need for refrigeration.
无需冷藏室,血样可轻松保存数周 。
This breakthrough could mean more feasible blood testing in remote regions which lack medical facilities or electricity.
许多偏远地区缺少医疗设备或无供电,该项突破使血液检测成为可能 。
Researchers found this method to sometimes even be more efficient in preserving blood samples than traditional refrigeration.
研究人员发现,该技术比传统冷藏更加有效 。
译文属可可英语原创,未经允许,不得转载 。
1.silkworm cocoon 蚕茧
例句:Extracting silk fibroin and sericin by inflating silkworm cocoon belongs to state Two-top-one-high-quality project.
膨化蚕茧提取丝素及丝胶蛋白技术,属国家“双高一优”项目 。
2.remote region 偏远地区
例句:Villagers in a remote region of Laos that has neither electricity nor telephone connections are being wired up to the Internet.
在老挝的一个既不通电也不通电话的偏僻地区,村民们现在可以登陆互联网了 。
3.blood sample 血样
例句:The number of red and white corpuscles in a blood sample.
血样中的红细胞和白细胞的数量 。
4.no need for 没有必要
例句:There's no need for you to stay.
你不需要呆在这儿了 。