日期:2014-10-12 12:32



Ladies and gentlemen,people tell you not to milk a good speech.
女士们先生们 有人说 演讲最忌拖拖拉拉
Get off early, leave 'em laughing.
赶紧说完 笑点留给他们
Wise advice I'll certainly try to bear in mind.
But for now...part two!
Part two is more action-based.I'm going to walk around, shake things up a bit.
第二部分的动作比较多 我必须到处走走 把气氛调动起来
Who'd go to a wedding? That's the question.
什么人会参加婚礼呢? 这是个问题
?Who would bother to go to any lengths to get themselves to a wedding?
究竟什么人 会想方设法去参加一个婚礼呢
Well, everyone.Weddings are great, love a wedding.
人人都会这么做 婚礼很不错 我最喜欢了.
What's he doing? - Something's wrong.
他在干什么? - 有点不对劲
And John's great too.Haven't said that enough, barely scratched the surface.
约翰又那么棒 赞美他的话我还没说够 才说了那么一点
I could go on all night about the depth and complexity of his jumpers,and he can cook.
光是他毛衣的奥妙与复杂之处 我都能讲个一晚上 他还会做饭
Does... erm... a thing. A thing with peas...
能用...那个...豆子 做个菜...
Once. Might not be peas, might not be him.
做过一次 可能不是豆子 可能也不是他做的
But he's got a great singing voice, or somebody does.
但是他有一副好嗓子 可能又是其他人
Too many, too many, too many, too many!
太多了 太多了 太多了 太多了!
Sorry, too many jokes about John.
不好意思 约翰的趣事实在是太多了
Now... - Criminal intent.
好了... - 犯罪企图
Where was I? Ah, yes. - Extraordinary lengths.
说到哪了? 想起来了 - 费尽心机
Speech. Speech.Let's talk about...
演讲 演讲 让我们来说说...
All of which is suggestive of...
Murder! Sorry, did I say murder?I meant to say marriage.
谋杀! 不好意思 我说谋杀了吗? 我想说的其实是婚姻
But, you know, they're quite similar procedures, when you think about it.
但是仔细想想 这两件事的过程其实差不多
The participants tend to know each other and it's over when one of them's dead.
参与者需要互相了解 一方死去则宣告结束
In fairness, murder is a lot quicker though.Janine, what about this one?Acceptably hot?
但老实讲 谋杀要快得多了 珍妮 这个怎样?还算迷人吧?
More importantly, his girlfriend's wearing new uncomfortable underwear
and hasn't bothered to pick this thread off his jacket,
or point out the grease smudge on his neck.
He's going home alone. Also he's a comics and sci-fi geek,
他会独自回家 他还是个漫画兼科幻迷
they're always tremendously grateful, really put the hours in.
所以他们总是心怀感激 又肯花时间
Jeff, the gents.Loos now, please.
杰夫 去洗手间 洗手间 快点
Greg. - The loos, please.
是格雷格 - 洗手间
Why? - Oh, I don't know, maybe it's your TURN.
为什么? - 呃 不知道 不是轮到你了吗
Yeah, actually, now you mention it.
嗯 你这么一说 好像是的
Sherlock, any chance of a... An end date for this speech?Got to cut the cake.
夏洛克 你的演讲快到头了没? 蛋糕还没切呢
Oh, ladies and gentlemen,can't stand it when I finally get the chance to speak for once.Vatican cameos.
好了 女士们先生们 好不容易有个演讲的机会 还真是不习惯呢 梵蒂冈宝石
What did he say? What does that mean?
他说什么? 什么意思?
Battle stations, someone's going to die. - What?!
战斗状态 有人要死了 - 什么?!
Narrow it down. Narrow it down.Narrow it down!
缩小范围 缩小范围!缩小范围!
Argh! No, no!Not you!
啊! 不对 不对!不是你!
You. It's always you.John Watson, you keep me right.
是你 永远都是你 约翰·华生 你总能让我找对方向
What do I do?
You've already done it.
Don't solve the murder.Save the life.
不需要破案 而是要救人.



He decided to lead a more settled life with his partner...
Cats are creatures of habit — they seem to appreciate a settled routine...
After a few years of being a diplomat, she still didn't feel settled.



She has just been appointed artistic director of Queensland Theatre Company.
He served on the board of directors of a local bank.



An evacuation of the city's four-million inhabitants is planned for later this week.
They were planning to evacuate the seventy American officials still in the country...
The fire is threatening about sixty homes, and residents have evacuated the area...
Burning sulfur from the wreck has forced evacuations from the area.



考考你 Q&A
Q: Please use the word or phrase you just learnt to complete the sentence beblow.

1.The novel is _____ from a series of on-the-spot reports.
2.The competitors will be subject to _____ drug testing.


1.Moderate rainfall breeds settled agriculture, they reckon, fostering urbanisation, trade and state-building.
2.Since 1951, 18,000 people have been evacuated from the area.
自1951年以来,已有18, 000人撤离了该地区。

  • diplomatadj. 外交官,外交家 n. 外交家
  • fairnessn. 公平,公正
  • complexityn. 复杂,复杂性,复杂的事物
  • tendv. 趋向,易于,照料,护理
  • threateningadj. 威胁(性)的,凶兆的 动词threaten的现
  • havenn. 港口,避难所,安息所 v. 安置 ... 于港中,
  • evacuationn. 撤离,疏散 n. 排泄,排泄物
  • intentn. 意图,目的,意向,含义 adj. 专心的,决心的,
  • randomadj. 随机的,随意的,任意的 adv. 随机地 n.
  • uncomfortableadj. 不舒服的,不自在的