Nor did Chamberlain.
张伯伦亦如是 。
In September 1938, he travelled to Munich and Hitler's office on the Koenigsplatz. for one final meeting.
1938年9月,他前往慕尼黑国王广场的希特勒办公室,作最后一次会晤 。
Chamberlain didn't think Hitler was a gentleman.
张伯伦不认为希特勒是绅士 。
In fact, he remarked that Hitler was the commonest little dog he'd ever seen,so undistinguished that you would never notice him in a crowd.
事实上,他评价希特勒是他见过最平凡的小狗,平庸到你在人群中绝不会留意他 。
But Chamberlain did have sympathy with the view that the peace treaty at the end of the First World War had been too hard on Germany.
但张伯伦的确很同情,受一战后的和平条约严厉处置的德国 。
And he signed an agreement on 29th September that gave Hitler the Sudetenland,the German-speaking area of Czechoslovakia.
于是他在9月29日签署协议将捷克斯洛伐克的德语区域-苏台德地区割让给希特勒 。
Just as they had been in Austria,soldiers of the German army were greeted with flowers when they entered the Sudetenland in October 1938.
1938年10月,德军进入苏台德地区时,同样受到进入奥地利时的鲜花礼遇 。
The joy of our redemption was very great and it was welcomed by all.
人们对救赎的到来欢欣鼓舞 。
People said, Thank God, times are changing for us now.
大家都说,感谢上帝,我们的时代终于改变 。
Everyone was delighted about it.
所有人对此表示高兴 。
But events that would take place here in Munich,just a few weeks later in November 1938,would demonstrate Hitler's true world view.
但数周后,于1938年11月慕尼黑发生的事件,暴露出希特勒真正的世界观 。
They would also give an insight into how his charismatic leadership worked.
这也将进一步揭示,希特勒的领袖魅力是如何起作用的 。