Thousands of ex-soldiers formed paramilitary groups called Freikorps in order to fight the revolution.
数千名德国退伍军人组成名为“自由军团”的准军事组织,旨在镇压革命 。
And these Freikorps already held many of the ideas and beliefs that Hitler would later adopt as his own.
自由军团所奉行的理念和信仰日后演变成希特勒的信条 。
Many Freikorps were hugely anti-Semitic,believing in the fantasy that Jews were responsible both for Communism and Germany's defeat in the war.
多数成员是极端反犹太主义者,认为犹太人应为一战中的共产主义和德国战败负全责 。
And one of the most notorious Freikorps groups even adapted what they took to be a racist symbol, the Hakenkreuz...or Swastika.
而其中最臭名昭著的一个自由军团甚至设计了种族主义的标志,纳粹党徽,即纳粹万字符 。
Members of the Freikorps called their leaders Fuehrer.
自由军团成员将领导人称为元首 。
And many of those who would later become infamous as Nazis joined Freikorps...
后来很多都成了恶名昭彰的纳粹分子 。
like Heinrich Himmler, who would become head of the SS,
如希姆莱,后成为党卫军头目 。
Gregor Strasser, one of the most important early leaders in the Nazi party and Rudolf Hoess,the future commandant of Auschwitz.
格雷戈尔·史特拉斯,纳粹早期重要领导人之一,以及鲁道夫·赫斯,后成为奥斯维集中营指挥官 。
But Hitler was not in a Freikorps.
但希特勒没有参加自由军团 。
He was back in Munich.
他当时在慕尼黑 。
Devastated by the loss of the war and desperate to stay in the army, he seemed lost and directionless.
因为德国战败而备受打击,他不顾一切留在军中,他心情低落,迷失了方向 。