To begin with, the concentration camps were under the control of the Nazi Stormtroopers.
起初,集中营由纳粹冲锋队控制 。
Here they are parading in triumph through Berlin.
他们趾高气扬穿过柏林大街 。
But their ordered marching hid a chaotic and violent reality.
但工整的游行背后暗藏混乱暴力 。
Everyone is arresting everyone else and avoiding the prescribed official channels.
人人都通过非官方渠道逮捕其他人 。
Everyone is threatening everyone else with protective custody.
人人都以保护式拘留而威胁别人 。
Everyone is threatening everyone else with Dachau.
人人都以达豪集中营来威胁别人 。
These concentration camps were not yet places of mass killing,but they were brutal in the extreme.
这些集中营,此时还未进行大屠杀,但已残忍至极 。
A number of prisoners were murdered, and torture,often psychological torture, was commonplace.
谋杀囚犯,酷刑折磨,包括心理折磨,都是家常便饭 。
I was thrown into the bunker and kept in chains.
我被扔到床上,戴着铁链 。
We only got something to eat every fourth day.
我们4天才能吃到一点东西 。
Other than that, there was just a jug of water and bread.
除此之外,只有水和面包 。
After four days, he said, You're getting out tomorrow,but he was just messing around with me.
4天后他说,你们明天就能出去,其实是耍弄我们而已 。
They kept saying, "You'll be getting out...Nothing.
他们不断说,你们马上能走...只是空话 。
Throughout Germany, the reality was obvious,Hitler led a movement of violent revolutionaries and was brutally suppressing any opposition.
整个德国的现实日趋明朗希特勒领导了一场暴力革命,残酷镇压所有反对派 。