Status is a lot when you're in high school. So you can imagine the disappointment that I got, when I felt like I should have made the team, but then didn't make the team. I'm crying, I lost my emotions totally. My mother came to me and said, "Use that energy to prove to the coach and to your peers and your classmates, that they made a mistake."
当你高中的时候状态会非常好 。所以你可以想象我的失望,我觉得我应该带领球队获胜,但后来却没有 。我哭了,我完全丧失了理智 。母亲走到我跟前,说道用你的能力证明给教练,你的同事及你的同学,众人皆醉唯你独醒 。
You give it your best. You try so hard and you get to the point---I know I can do it. And if you try one more time, you are able to achieve it. It's going one step farther. That's not giving up, it's giving your best. I only will walk away when I know I do not have anything else to give.
你尽了自己最大努力 。你急切渴望并最终明白了—点,那就是我知道我能 。如果你再试一次,你就能做到 。这是迈向前方更远的一步 。那是不放弃,这会给你最好的 。当知道自己没有什么要给你们时,我只会选择离开 。
The disappointment was so deep, like a cut, it struck the fire in me to make sure that I never endure that type of pain again.
失望是如此之深,就像刀口,忽然火在自己体内燃烧,我从未忍受过那种痛苦 。
In the second round of the playoffs, Michael returned home with a vengeance---playing the Charlotte Hornets. It would be Michael's last professional appearance in North Carolina.
在季后赛第二轮,迈克尔在对阵夏洛特黄蜂队时复仇者的姿态返回 。这是迈克尔在北卡罗莱那州的最后一次亮相 。
It's always been a treat to come back home when you've grown up here and you go out and become a man on your own, and then come back home to show what's evolved of that person.
这是对待家乡的最好方式,你在这里长大后走出去,成为一个自己希望的大男人,然后回到家里来展示给家乡父老你自己的进化 。