柴可夫斯基 生命中的女性(8)
日期:2012-10-19 08:18
Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky, second son of Ilya, was born in this house in Votkinsk on 7th, May, 1840.
伊利亚的第二个儿子彼得·伊里奇·柴科夫斯基,在1840年5月7日出生在沃蒂斯克的这所房子里 。
His father, a hard working chief inspector of mines, was both liked and respected in the local community.
他的父亲是一位努力工作的矿山总监察, 在当地社区受人尊敬和爱戴 。
Ilya Tchaikovsky had no particular musical talent, although he had played the flute in his youth and has an interest in a theatre.
伊利亚·柴可夫斯基并没有特定的音乐天赋,虽然在年轻时代曾喜欢吹笛子并且喜欢去剧院 。
But he was even tempered and fair minded and enjoyed a warm and committed relationship with his second son throughout his life,
但他甚至有些脾气并且想法公平, 终其一生他和自己的第二个儿子并保持着温暖及坚定的关系,
supporting him and guiding him through many difficult crisis.
这支持他并引导他渡过很多困难的危机 。