Sailing from France,and invading army is about to run in veils.
从法国远道而的这支远征大军逐渐露出了端倪 。
The leader of this army was a refugee,a fugitive.
这支军队的领袖曾是一名难民,一名逃犯 。
A man who had spent half of his twenty years on the run,and he had barely acclaimed to the from of England.
这个人花了自己人生二十年中的一半东躲西藏,而且几乎没得到英格兰的半点赞誉 。
His name was H,C.and asking the H the seventh.He would create a dynasty that born his name.
他的名字是亨利七世,而他将会自己的名字缔造一个王朝 。
But H ,the seventh,remains obscure.
但亨利七世仍然笼罩在神秘当中 。
a clips by the moment he deposed, which is the third, by the glamor, the notoriety of his wife killing his son, Henry the eighth, and glamor of his granddaughter, Elizabeth the first.
他废黜的时刻仍然记忆犹新,受到迷惑,他声名狼藉的妻子处死他的儿子亨利八世及他的孙女伊丽莎白魅力一世 。
Yet Henry the seventh was possibly be the most extraordinary story of them all.
然而亨利七世可能是最无与伦比的人物 。
with a hunger for power, and air determination to hang on to the throne at all costs, he would rewrite the history, seizing the crown, and rebuilding the monarchy in his own image.
对于对权力的渴望,保住王位的决心, 他不惜一切代价改写历史,再掌权利,重建他自己脑中的君主政体 。
He would become paranoid, described later as infinitely suspicious ruler, a dark prince.
他会变得偏执,后世描述他为无限可疑的君主,黑暗王子 。
His ring have seen a bleak, wintry landscape.
他的戒指已经见证过凄凉,如严冬般的风景 。
For years I have explored his murky story of spice and informs, Intrigues and extortion.
多年来我已经探索了他各种阴暗的故事,阴谋和勒索 。
And I found the deeper you go, the more you discover the fascinating glimpse of this manipulative king.
而且我还发现越是深层次的挖掘,你就越发现这位傀儡国王迷人的一面 。