The Lick party was forced to use substandard equipment.
这个力克党被迫使用不合格的设备 。
Campbell has no choice but to take the risk.
坎贝尔别无选择,只能冒这个险 。
He has a total solar eclipse all to himself and may never have another opportunity like this again.
这是只有属于他自己的一次日全食,他们可能从来不会再有像这样的另一次机会 。
Campbell's part travels to Goldendale, Washington and gets ready for the coming eclipse.
坎贝尔前往华盛顿,准备迎接即将到来的日食 。
It was close to home so the whole family went.
由于离家非常近,所以全家人都动身前往 。
Campbell's goal is to photograph the stars that emerge in the brief period when the sun is hidden by the moon.
坎贝尔的目标是拍摄当太阳被月球档上而星星出现的短暂时段 。
But on Saturday, June 8th 1918, it seems that the universe is once again not ready to yield its secrets.
但在1918年6月8日的周六,似乎宇宙再次不准备揭示它的秘密 。
Clouds moved in and it looked like he wouldn't even get observations and Russia would be repeated which he hated.
云爬了上来,它看起来就像甚至不想被观察而俄罗斯再次重复他讨厌的 。
And suddenly just at the crucial time when they needed the clear sky the clouds parted.
忽然在这关键时间云层散开,他们需要晴朗的天空再次出现 。
Campbell begins taking photographs of the spectacle.
坎贝尔开始拍摄 。