In the wake of the Wall Street Crash of 1929,the German economy all but collapsed.
1929年华尔街股灾爆发,德国经济随之崩溃 。
The Weimar government had borrowed money to pay the Allies war reparations and now the debt became too great to service.
魏玛共和国曾贷款向协约国支付战败赔款,现债务过于沉重,无法承受 。
Banks crashed, and unemployment soared.
银行破产,失业率高企 。
The Nazis gained support, but so did the Communists.
纳粹党获得支持,但共产主义者亦得到支持 。
It was a ray of hope that Socialism would be coming,that unemployment would be vanquished,that you would have a right to a job and you'd be paid more.
当时有一线希望,社会主义会实现,不会再有人失业,人人有工作权利,获更高薪酬 。
In the beer halls,fights between the Nazis and the Communists became almost commonplace.
啤酒馆里纳粹党和共产主义者的打斗已司空见惯 。
Stormtroopers all had a big glass in front of them,practically a missile.
引自啤酒馆目击者记述 纳粹冲锋队员拿起大玻璃杯砸向对方 。
The battle was pretty fierce,several people were hospitalized, some Stormtroopers too,they had face wounds.
打斗相当激烈,送进医院的人中,有纳粹冲锋队员,他们脸上挂了彩 。
I had a head wound, I was bleeding.
我头部被击中,血流不止 。
Hitler thrived in this atmosphere of violence and political crisis.
暴力和政治危机助长了希特勒 。
At election rallies, he openly called for the destruction of democracy.
他开始当众呼吁推翻民主政体 。