The thing you have to understand about Jobs is that he was the world's greatest control freak.
有一件你必须了解的事情,那就是乔布斯称自己是世界上最伟大的控制欲望极其强烈的怪胎 。
He pushes his team to the edge and beyond. Engineers come in and show him things and he'll say, "No. We can't do that." "It doesn't work." They'd say "Well, you know,, we haven't really problems making it do this." Don't come back until it works right.
他总是让自己的团队置身险境 。工程师们进来,给他展示一些东西,然后他就会说:不 。我们不能那么做 。这可不怎么样 。他们会说:嗯,你知道,我们还没有遇到让它这样的问题 。直到它起效前别回来 。
The iPhone is infused with simplicity and beauty.
iPhone处处充满简单和美丽 。
The hallmarks of Jobs' design philosophy.
这是乔布斯的设计理念 。
It's the perfect marriage of form and function.
这是外在形状和内在功能最完美的结合 。
It's beautiful, it's gorgeous, and every time I look at it, every time I feel it, I touch it, it has enormous aesthetic reward. But then it is enormously practical.My kids can grab my iPhone and immediately know how to use it and my kids are 3 and 2.
它很美,很漂亮,而每一次我看它,每次我去感觉,我去触摸,都会发出由衷的最美感叹 。不过它又是非常实用 。我的孩子们可以抓住我的iPhone,立刻就知道如何去使用 。而我的孩子们还小,他们最多也就2,3岁 。
1. infuse v. 将…注入
2. aesthetic a. 美学的