President Hindenburg had just died,and now Hitler was head of state as well as Chancellor.
兴登堡总统刚刚过世,刚做总理的希特勒已成为最高统帅 。
Just a few weeks later, in September 1934,Hitler was here in Nuremberg for the Nazi Party rally.
数周后,1934年9月,希特勒前往纽伦堡参加纳粹党集会 。
The Nazis had first held a rally in Nuremberg in 1927.
纳粹在此举办的首次集会是在1927年 。
But this rally would be remembered more than any other and would play an important part in the creation of a Hitler myth.
但这次集会将更加难忘,它将对希特勒的神话起关键性作用 。
Because this rally was filmed for the feature length documentary Triumph Of The Will.
因为这次集会被拍摄成长篇纪录片《意志的胜利》 。
Hitler was portrayed as a flawless, almost God-like leader,descending from the clouds to meet his adoring subjects.
希特勒被塑造成完美无瑕,上帝般的领袖,他从天而降,受世人拥戴 。
Thanks to Triumph Of The Will,it wasn't just the people who were physically present who experienced the emotional impact of seeing their leader.
多得这部《意志的胜利》 使没有到现场的民众亦能身临其境 感受到见领袖时的激动 。
Now, millions more could see in cinemas a carefully crafted vision of Hitler.
现在数百万人可在电影院看到一个精心雕琢的希特勒形象 。