It was the Prussian Academy of Sciences.
这将是普鲁士科学院院士 。
It was the entire world of physics that had said no, bearing down and saying we want you.
整个世界的物理学都不同意,但他们仍然表示我们需要你的帮助 。
Einstein did not answer the offer.
爱因斯坦没有答应这个提议 。
Einstein says why don't you just go and take a trip for the rest of the afternoon up the mountain.
爱因斯坦说为什么下午你们不出去走走,去山里进行一次旅行 。
He said I will meet you at the train station when you come back.
他说当你们回来的时候我会去火车站接你们 。
I will be carrying a bunch of flowers.
我将带一束花 。
And if the flowers are red, I'm coming to German;
if the flowers are white, sorry though go, thanks for coming.
如果花是白色的,对不起,谢谢你们的光临 。
I've made the argument that Einstein delayed his answer to this question in part because he sort of wanted to leave with the pleasure of being so deeply sought after.
我曾经议论过爱因斯坦会推迟对这个问题的回答,这在一定程度上是因为他想用快乐摆脱如此深的追求 。
But it's certainly true that this was not simply a snapped decision.
但这确实不是简单就可以下决定的 。
As he often does when he has a difficult problem to solve,
Einstein takes a long walk.
爱因斯坦经常散步很久 。
Zurich was comfortable.
苏黎世也很舒适 。
There was lots to love there, you know,
you don't just sort of walk away from there.
你不想离开这里 。
His wife really wants to stay in Zurich.
他的妻子很想呆在苏黎世 。
On the other hand, they've offered him the greatest job imaginable.
另一方面,他们已经给他安排了可以想象得到的伟大工作 。