Einstein is to present his theory of General Relativity.
爱因斯坦即将公布他的广义相对论理论 。
The problem for Einstein is he hadn't finished it yet.
而爱因斯坦面临的问题是他还没有完成 。
In the fall of 1915, Einstein was hardly thinking about anything else.
在1915年的秋天,爱因斯坦几乎什么也没有思考 。
He was completely focused on finding the solution to a puzzle that had occupied him for more than eight years.
他完全专注于发现难题的解决方案,这已经耗费了他超过8年的时间 。
Einstein is trying to come up with these equations that will describe how space is curved. He's working deep into the night.
爱因斯坦试图想出这些描述空间是如何弯曲的方程式 。他夜以继日的工作 。
If you look closely, it's really trial and error.
如果你仔细观察,真的只是不断尝试和不断错误 。
You are not seeing a mathematician who just, you know, throw the ideas, you know, perfect formulas onto the paper of the notebook.
你没有看到一位数学家只是,你知道的,把想法,你知道的,完美的公式记录到笔记本 。
He cancels everything and says nonsense, these terms disturb, so he sort of talking to the math.
他取消了一切繁文缛节,没有这些条款的干扰,他就可以忘我的在数学中徜徉 。
Sometimes he turns the notebook around and he, you know, throws it away with disgust.
有时他把笔记本和他周围的东西,你知道,因为厌恶扔在一旁 。
It can be real blow when an idea you've been working on doesn't work out, this gut-wrenching feeling.
当你一直在尽力工作而就是没有结果,这痛苦的感觉可是真正的打击 。
Since discovering his math error, Einstein believes he's making real progress.
自从他的数学被发现错误,爱因斯坦相信他在真正的进步 。
His equations are nearly complete.
他的方程接近完成 。