But other leading Nazis were not so full of praise for Hitler.
有些纳粹高官对他并不是满口称赞 。
Gregor Strasser, still an important figure in the party,thought that Hitler was stupid to hold out for the Chancellorship.
仍在纳粹身居要位的格雷戈尔·史特拉斯觉得希特勒延误总理任期的做法很愚蠢 。
He had had enough.
他忍无可忍 。
He should realise that he has been consistently refused this post by everybody.
他应意识到他一再拒绝出任此职位 。
I'm not prepared to wait for the Fuehrer to be appointed Reich Chancellor as, by then, our movement would have collapsed.
我不打算等元首被任命为总理,界时,我们的政府像散沙一盘 。
I'm at the end of my tether, I've resigned from the Party and I'm now going to the mountains to recuperate.
容忍已到了极限,我已退党,我现告老归田 。
But some in the German elite were beginning to think that appointing Hitler as Chancellor might be one way out of Germany's problems.
但在德国精英阶层中有人相信任命希特勒做总理一职或许是解决德国问题的方法 。
The aristocratic Franz von Papen, a former Chancellor himself,thought Hitler could be a useful figurehead.
弗朗茨·冯帕彭是德国贵族之一,曾任总理,他认为希特勒会成为有价值的傀儡 。
He didn't find Hitler charismatic,but curiously unimpressive.
他不但不觉得希特勒有领袖魅力,而且极不起眼 。
What they were most frightened of was not Hitler,but the Communists.
他们最怕的不是希特勒,而是共产主义者 。
And so, von Papen and his friends,backed an idea to make Hitler Chancellor,as long as there were only a few other Nazis in the cabinet.
于是冯帕彭和朋友决定,只要内阁中纳粹党占席不多,就支持希特勒出任德国总理 。
On 30th January 1933, after lobbying from von Papen and others,Hitler was appointed Chancellor by President Hindenburg.
1933年1月30日,在冯帕彭和其他人游说后,兴登堡总统任命希特勒为德国总理 。
For Hitler's supporters,this was the strongest proof yet of his power as a charismatic leader.
对于希特勒的支持者而言,这无疑是其领袖魅力的强有力证明 。
When it had looked impossible that he would become Chancellor,and many had doubted him, he had asked them to have faith.
因为他与总理一职无缘时,众人都满腹疑问时,他告诫要有信念 。
And now, he WAS Chancellor.
现在,他已然登上总理高位 。
Von Papen, who was happy to see democracy disappear,became Vice Chancellor.
民主力量削弱,使冯帕彭如愿以偿,担任副总理职务 。
He still thought he and his friends could control Hitler.
他还相信自己和幕僚能掌控希特勒 。
He would shortly discover that he'd made one the most monumental misjudgements in history.
很快他发现,这将是史上教训最惨痛的误判之一 。