Hitler talked to the German nation as Chancellor on 10th February 1933.
1933年2月10日,希特勒以德国总理身份向全国人民发表演说 。
Thousands were in the hall in front of him,and millions were listening on radio.
现场聚集数千观众同时数百万人收听广播 。
But Hitler made them all wait.
但他让所有人等着 。
When he did start,Hitler stuck to his old familiar script.
终于开口时,演讲仍参照已滚瓜烂熟的旧稿 。
His speech was vague in detail and called for Germans to fix their problems without outside help.
他的演讲空洞无物,只号召人民自力更生,不求外界帮助 。
But if Hitler didn't consider you a "true" German,then, suddenly, you were at risk.
若希特勒没有把你当作真正德国人,那你就命悬一线了 。
Thousands of people the Nazis considered enemies of the new regime,mostly their political opponents, but also some Jews,were imprisoned in concentration camps.
纳粹分子将数以千计的人,当中大部分是政敌,还有些犹太人关进集中营 。
This one at Dachau outside Munich was opened just weeks after Hitler became Chancellor.
离慕尼黑不远的达豪集中营在希特勒任总理数周后投入使用 。