John's theory supports one legend that tells a brutal and merciless execution, after having surrendered his kingdom, the king and his ministers were beheaded on the spot, the royal women also met an equally gruesome end, there is a poem that purportedly tells of the massacre,
一则述说残忍死刑的传说支持约翰的理论,投降后的国王及大臣当场被斩首,公主嫔妃亦命运悲惨,一首诗述说这场大屠杀 。
it describes how the royal women were taken and thrown from the palace ramparts, to the people below these brightly dressed princesses look like spring flowers falling from heaven, the Ladakhis soldiers yelled and shouted to see more and more flowers.
这首诗描述公主嫔妃被人从王宫的碉楼丢下去,这些穿着华服的公主皇妃,看来就像天堂掉下来的鲜花,拉达克人高兴大喊着要看更多的鲜花 。
As for the abbot, he met his doom with the end of Ladakhis sword, treachery was repaid by treachery, as he was double crossed by his supposed allies, but a mystery still remains, why was Tsaparang entirely abandoned?
From the top of the citadel, you can still see the imprints left by the ancient aqueduct, following the contours of the hill,
从札布让的碉楼然可以看见被丢下的公主皇妃留下的印记 。
even the legend Tsering Gyalpo speaks of has a basis in science, Guge is in the shadow of three of the world's largest mountain ranges, the Himalayas, the Karakorum and the Kunlun.
和嘉波才让所说的传说得到印证,古格王朝位在世界最大三座山脉之中,喜马拉雅山,喀拉昆仑山及昆仑山 。