Toling had great power for the people of Tibet, central Asia and subcontinent.
托林寺对藏民来说具有莫大的影响,它位于中亚次大陆 。
It was the religious center par excellence of the time.
曾经是当时最大型的宗教中心 。
And that gave it great moral authority, intellectual power, and political prestige that no other institution of the time had.
它结合了道德权威,智慧力量跟政治的声望,让它远胜于其它的机构 。
Even before the rise of Guge, Buddhism had long established fruits in Tibet.
早在古格王朝崛起前,佛教已经深植西藏 。
But civil war in central Tibet would fragment and dilute Buddhism's role in society.
但西藏中部的内乱打击佛教在社会中的地位 。
From the wake of upheavals, it was the early kings of Guge that championed Buddhism in western Tibet.
在这些动乱之中,拜古格王朝早期几位国王之赐,佛教成为西藏西部的最大宗教 。
According to Tsering Gyalpo, the third king, Ye shes 'Od, convened a Buddhist council, the Great Prayer Festival of 1076.
依据和嘉波才让的研究,第三位国王在1076年召开佛教盛会 。
He invited great Buddhist thinkers from Tibet and beyond to attend.
His aim was to strengthen Tibetan Buddhism and to propagate its philosophies.
他的用意是巩固藏传佛教的地位,宣传佛教教义 。
Ye shes 'Od's initiative was to prove successful.
这项创举证实成功 。
Amazingly well-preserved centuries-old murals speak of this religious convention, a spiritual gathering which planted the first seeds from which Tibetan Buddhism was reborn.
保存几世纪的惊人壁画述说这一次宗教盛会,洒下藏传佛教重生的种子 。
From that point onward, Guge became the spiritual and cultural heart of Tibetan Buddhism.
从那个时候开始古格王朝成为藏传佛教的精神及文化堡垒 。
The king enticed some of the greatest Buddhist leaders of his time.
国王劝诱当时的伟大佛教领袖前来古格王朝 。
Not unlike head-hunting CEOs today, he offered them riches beyond their dreams if they would only move to his kingdom.
与今日企业挖角不同的是,只要这些佛教领袖搬到古格王朝,国王就提供他们超乎想像的财富 。
Guge was at the center of a religious renaissance, one that was about to get even more intense.
古格王朝是宗教复兴的中心,促使佛教更为兴盛 。