A coral reef during the day is a very different place from a coral reef at night.
珊瑚礁的白天与夜晚是两个完全不同的世界 。
The atmosphere changes completely.
这里的气氛完全不同 。
The day shift has logged off, and the night shift has gone to work.
白天活跃的动物休息了,夜晚活动的方才出动 。
It's mean and moody, and the animals here mean business.
夜晚环境恶劣多变,动物们必须保持警惕 。
Just as in human cities, there's a new cast of characters after dark.
就像人类城市一样,夜幕下出动的都是迥然不同的角色 。
Octopus emerge from their holes to stalk their prey.
章鱼从藏身的洞穴里出来觅食 。
A tiny sole improves his chances of survival by mimicking a toxic flatworm.
这条小鰨鱼为了增加生存机会在模仿有毒的扁虫 。
Some of the strangest nocturnal creatures are relatives of the starfish, like this feather-mouthed sea cucumber, sifting food from the sand.
一些最奇特的夜间生物都是海星的表亲,比如这一有着羽毛状口部的海参在用口从沙中筛出食物 。
Another is the basket star.
还有这个筐蛇尾 。
It comes alive at night, throwing out thousands of arms to filter food from the plankton-rich current.
它夜间出来,伸展开上千个枝杈般的触手从富含浮游生物的水流中过滤食物 。
These animals can live for a very long time, up to 35 years.
它们的寿命很长,可达35岁 。
And there's records of these guys being seen night after night,in the same place for over 15 years.
有记录证明这几个昼伏夜出的家伙在同一地点被观察记录了15年之多 。