Even though, coral reefs cover less than 1% of world's oceans.
尽管珊瑚的面积还不到海洋面积的百分之一 。
They contain a quarter of all known marine life.
它们却容纳着四分之一的已知海洋生物 。
And the Great Barrier Reef is the biggest of them all.
而且大堡礁是最大的珊瑚礁 。
I still vividly remember my first dive on a coral reef over 20 years ago.
我依然记得20年前第一次在大堡礁时的情境 。
And the moment I put my head in the water, I knew what I wanted to do for the rest of my life.
我入水的那一刻,我就知道自己的余生将奉献给它 。
Even if I spent my entire life underwater, I still couldn't hope to see all the species that live on this reef.
即使我把一辈子都花在大海里,我也不可能看全生活在这片礁石中的所有物种 。
400 species of hard coral, 300 of soft coral, 1,600 species of fish, 134 species of shark and ray, 30 species of whale and dolphin, 6 species of turtle, 14 species of sea snake, 3,000 species of mollusc..."
400种硬珊瑚,300种软珊瑚,1600种鱼类,134种鲨鱼和鳐,20种鲸类和海豚,6种海龟,14种海蛇,3000种软体动物 。
The sheer number of creatures that live here makes the reef as hectic as any human city.
这么多的生物让大堡礁像人类居住的城市一样热闹 。
With a rhythm of almost perpetual rush hours.
而且永远处于上下班高峰 。