With the tropical sun beating down, the exposed flat is one of the most hostile environments on the reef, for a fish caught out here, it should mean certain death.
在热带炎日的暴晒之下,裸露出的平地是珊瑚礁最为残酷的地方之一 。对于困在这里的鱼而言,无疑只有死路一条 。
But not for this one.
但不包括这只 。
It's an epaulette shark, it can't breath out of water, but it survives here by shutting down some parts of its brain and increasing the blood supply to others.
这是一只肩章鲨,它离开水就不能呼吸 。但可以关掉一部分脑功能,以增加另一部分的血液供给 。
Not only that, it can walk on land.
不只如此,它还可以用鳍行走 。
This abilities make it a speciallized reef-top hunter.
这些技能使得它成为礁石顶部的狩猎专家 。
Manoeuvering around the confined space of a rock pool, it's master of all it surveys.
它游刃有余地在狭小的潮汐池中巡视,不放过任何一个角落 。
Nothing is safe, not even animals hiding under the sand.
没有动物能逃脱它的搜捕,藏身沙子下面也是徒劳 。
It scans for smells and for tiny electric signals given off by the bodies of hidden creatures.
因为躲藏者的味道和生物电出卖了它,肩章鲨也可以侦测到 。
It's detected a crab.
它搜索到一只螃蟹 。
It doesn't need shark teeth, because it simply sucks up its prey.
无需尖牙利齿,肩章鲨就可以直接将猎物吸入口中 。
The epaulette isn't the only shark able to adapt to a change of the tides.
善于利用潮汐涨落捕猎的鲨鱼不只肩章鲨 。