The soft corals are refuge for millions of small fish.
无数小鱼安全地躲在软体珊瑚中 。
But they must dart out from time to time to feed on the plankton in the current.
但它们必须不时地离开避风港去捕食水流带来的浮游生物 。
And wherever small fish gather, it's not long before something bigger turns up to eat them.
而但凡有鱼群的地方,就会有肉食鱼类的踪影 。
A grouper!This is the Queensland grouper, it's the largest bony fish that lives on the Great Barrier Reef.
看,石斑鱼!这是一条鞍带石斑鱼,它是大堡礁最大的硬骨鱼 。
Queensland groupers are real giants, this Yongala resident is known as the Volkswagen, because he's the same size as the car.
鞍带石斑鱼堪称鱼中巨人,这位扬加拉号的住户,雅号VW,因为它的体积和一辆汽车差不多 。
His mouth's so big, he's quite capable of swallowing sharks and rays whole.
尤其是它的大嘴,足够吞下鲨鱼或是鳐鱼 。
But another resident has an even deadlier bite.
但就致命性而言,另一张嘴才更要命 。
Sea snakes have more potent venom than many of their land-living relatives, they put it to good use.
海蛇的毒液毒性极为强劲,其毒液比许多陆地上的蛇类还致命,而且它们很善于发挥这一专长 。
The olive sea snake doesn't really look as though it's hunting, but when its small head disappears into a hole, it can trap and paralyze any fish hiding there.
橄榄海蛇看起来完全不像是在捕猎,但一旦它的小头深入某个洞中,它总能找到并毒麻里面躲藏的鱼 。
It's unusual for so many predators to be swimming so close to each other, but there's so much to eat here.
一块地方的掠食者如此之多,相互摩肩接踵实属罕见,实在是因为这里的食物太丰富了 。
Most of the action is on top of the wreck, where the strongest currents sweep in the most food.
但大多数生命活动都发生在沉船顶部,那里强劲的水流带来了大量浮游生物 。