自然百科:大堡礁 珊瑚礁至雨林(30)
日期:2015-05-08 09:00
But there are now less than 2,000 living here, and they are becoming rarer all the time.
但现在只有不到2000只食火鸟了,它们的数量一直不断减少 。
Before European settlers arrived, much of the coast here was covered in forest.
早在欧洲殖民者到达之前,澳洲许多的海岸都被森林所覆盖 。
And a lot of that was jungle just like this.
这样的丛林到处都是 。
This is a vibrant ecosystem in its own right.
这是一个自得其利,充满活力的生态系统 。
It's full of reptiles, of birds, and you can hear all around me.
这里是爬行动物和鸟类的天堂,你可以听到它们 。
But today, things have changed significantly.
但是如今,这里荣耀不再 。
Much of the coastline that busts the Great Barrier Reef, 80 percent of it, in fact, has been cleaned for agriculture, and much of that has been totally cleaned for sugarcane.
紧靠大堡礁的大部分海岸线,事实上80%的海岸线森林被砍伐,为农业让路,有很多地方干净得只剩下甘蔗农场 。