Everywhere the cliffs are scarred by penguin claws.They are irrepressible and undaunted by missteps and stumbles.
岩壁上到处都是被企鹅爪子挠过的痕迹 。虽然磕磕绊绊,步履蹒跚,但它们势不可挡,不屈不挠 。
At the top, red eye, yellow brow and full of spunk, they celebrate their accent and reunion, and are quickly assorted by their ravenous chicks. Now, the earliest biggest the adults. More food is the course running out up and down the shores and cliffs of the forquence.
在悬崖顶部,红色的眼和黄色的眉毛,这些动物眉宇间充满了勇气 。它们用自己独特的声音庆祝着团圆,但很快就被饿极了的小企鹅们打扰 。现在最大的成年人也已经开始,更多的食物短缺问题被提上了日程 。
Migrants who spend their lives gracefully plying hundreds of miles of sea and air feeding at their leisure are now bounce to these frozen shores of rock and sand, Leathered by the course of their young,more food.
这些花了一生时间走了几百里的海路和空路的迁徙者们现在正在利用闲暇时间进食,当然它们面对的是冰冷的海滩和岩石,年轻的下一代用渴望的眼神看着它们 。
It is nightfall in Australia. Rush hour is in force swing. The little red flying foxes are migrating, and parched with thirst. But to drink on the wind is a dangerous undertaking.
现在是澳大利亚的黄昏,高峰时间浪潮不断 。小红飞狐正在迁徙,它们饥渴难耐,但此时进食喝水对它们来说无疑将是致命的 。
1. scar n. 伤痕
2. celebrate v.庆祝