Today Buddhism is still an integral part of everyday life in Tibet.
今日佛教仍是西藏生活不可缺少的一部分 。
It is an ancestral gift that permeates all levels of society.
佛教是祖先的赠礼,渗透各社会阶层 。
Tibetan still flock to Guge, even today, not so much for the temples, as for the wondrous peak, towering of Tsaparang, the secret Mount Kailash.
影响整个西藏人生活,即使是今日,西藏人还是涌入古格王朝,朝拜札布让上的冈仁波齐峰 。
These pilgrims are a remind of the thousand who have come to Guge before them.
这些朝圣者令人回想之前来到古格王朝的数以千计转山者 。
They are a living proof of a deep reason for this most unique journey in life.
他们是这趟最独特生命旅程的活生生印证 。
Pilgrims like the ones Tsering has come across here are on a track around the perimeter of a secret site in a ritual known as Kora.
这些朝圣者会来到这里寻找这个被称为科拉琴的秘密仪式 。
Some pilgrims would even go to profound length to demonstrate their faith through prostration.
有些朝圣者甚至会到达很深的地方以叩拜方式展现他们的虔诚 。
A devotee may take years to travel hundreds of miles in this manner.
虔诚的信徒可能以这种方式耗时数年行遍几百哩远 。