The snail appears to release chemicals that paralyse its victim.
鸡心螺释放的一种化学武器麻倒了猎物 。
The goatfish seems powerless to escape as it's swallowed alive.
绯鲵鲣无力反抗或逃跑,被整个活吞下去 。
Moments later, a venomous barb inside the snail puts the fish out of its misery.
片刻后鸡心螺体内的毒刺帮它结束了痛苦 。
In a place where even seashells are deadly,remaining undetected is essential if you want to survive the night.
在这个连贝壳类也如此血腥的地方,想要生存,夜晚不被发现是必要的 。
And simply hiding is not enough.
简单的躲藏显然不够 。
Just a hint of your scent wafting into the current can attract trouble.
飘进水流中的一丝气味都会引来大麻烦 。
The parrotfish has come up with an elegant solution in a form of a sleeping bag made out of membrane.
鹦鹉鱼对此有极为妥善的处理方法,它们睡在自制的薄膜般的睡袋里 。
It stops the smell spreading along the reef and being picked up.
这个睡袋可以阻止自身气味散发 。
It's a very good way if you're a parrotfish of ensuring you get a good night's sleep.
这对鹦鹉鱼来说,是睡个好觉的妙招 。
No one has ever filmed a parrotfish making its cocoon before.
以前没人成功录制过鹦鹉鱼睡袋的制作过程 。
It starts by exuding a layer of mucous around its body.
鹦鹉鱼先分泌出一层粘液粘在身上 。
It then draws water into its mouth and pushes it out of its gills, blowing up the mucous bubble around it.
然后用嘴吸进水,再用腮吸出来 。