It means the living can slip away, for now.
这意味着现在活着的动物可以逃跑 。
She'll not go far, for she'll be back again,up to eight times during a single breeding season to deposit up to 100 eggs on each visit.
它不会走的很远,而且将会再次回来,一个繁殖季节它会往返八次,每次会产下100个蛋 。
Only then can she head back to her feeding grounds,where who knows what will happen to her.
只有那之后它才会掉头返回它觅食的地方 在那里有人知道将会发生什么 。
Away from the Great Barrier Reef, sea turtles are caught to eat.
远离大堡礁,海龟也会被捕食 。
And sharks aren't immune either.
鲨鱼也不会幸免 。
These tiger sharks bear the scars of hooks from long-line fishing.
这些鲨鱼携带着被长线捕鱼的钩子留下的疤痕 。
It's not surprising then that the older sharks are conspicuous by their absence.
所以年长的鲨鱼,因为缺席而显得显眼并不让人吃惊 。
While at Raine Island, the sharks and turtles are in a sanctuary,but even sanctuaries can come under threat.
在雷恩岛,鲨鱼和海龟都是生活在避难所里,但是避难所也会受到威胁 。
Although not necessarily from us.
尽管不是来自于人类 。
Brief thunderstorms are a welcome break from the heat and humidity,but they can also build into the mother of all storms.
短暂的暴风雨能使人短暂摆脱湿热的天气,但是它们也能形成所有的暴风雨 。
The summer heats up the ocean,creating tropical storms that spiral in from the Coral Sea.
夏天海洋被加热形成的热带风暴从珊瑚海螺旋上升 。
In America, storms of this intensity are known as hurricanes,and in Japan they're called typhoons.
在美国,这种强度的暴风雨被称为飓风,日本人管它叫台风 。
But here they're known as cyclones.
但是人们熟知的叫气旋 。